These regular warnings of ‘vulnerabilities’ must be a reminder of the importance of cyber security and disaster recovery. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Crush Design has reacted quickly and we have already patched and updated all our servers.
We know that the internet can never been 100% safe. It is such a vast and complex thing that there will always be oversights, loop holes and malicious people.
I fear that the cost of protecting client will go up as the number of security challenges increases.
What you need to know about GHOST
It is serious, but not as bad as ShellShock or Heartbleed.
The vulnerability may allow malicious code to take control of a server.
If left unpatched the server can be controlled without the owners knowledge.
Crush Design has patched all servers – your site and data are safe (assuming you are a Crush client!).
This is all covered in our hosting charge.