Another Good Year for Crush

Another Good Year for Crush

September heralded the end of our 6th financial year as a Limited company and we have grown once again – hurrah!

This year’s growth is split between new client wins and existing clients either growing fast or needing big projects.

In the new client camp some of our notable additions include;

  • Ebico – the UK’s only non-for-profit Energy Company
  • Pronto Paint – a national paint and coating manufacturer in Chesterfield
  • Weightron – one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of weighing solution
  • Ashgate Hospice – the charity close to Chesterfield hearts, support those in their final days
  • A Secret – frustrating as they are probably our best client win but we have to keep it to ourselves


In the, clients needing major projects or just growing big, camp we have;

  • Mortgage Advice Bureau – successfully floating on the London Stock Exchange, becoming Derbyshire’s 3rd largest business (after Rolls Royce and Thorntons) and closing in on their aims to the leading independent mortgage adviser on the High Street
  • CK Group – a specialist recruitment company with very big plans
  • Chesterfield Borough Council – needed a full brand refresh last year – we did an amazing job even if I do say so myself
  • Co Star – a company planning global domination of the apartment rental market (yes it is that big a deal)
  • SSE – the projects we do for SSE seem big to us but probably not one of the big six energy companies


Can I say a big thank you to anyone who has helped us grow into the design and web agency we are today, and  long may the sun shine on us all.

Next year’s BIG project is rebuilding our own website. We are the worst possible client to ourselves!